My Creative Space – Busy doing Nothing?

Collage of my current crochet projects

It feels like it’s been one of those weeks where I’ve been running as hard as I can to stay in one place. There are so many unfinished projects littering the flat that I’ve barely known where to start, and I have to keep reminding myself that I’m making little and often progress on all of them. But it’s not as satisfying as finishing something, which is definitely my project for this week.

The above collage gives you a flavour of what I’ve been working on, as well as being a chance for me to experiment with the new version of Photobucket. I’m not terribly keen on the new interface, but I do like how easy it was to make the collage. The pictures are a mixture of current projects, so-nearly-finished projects and some pattern ‘cover’ photos that we took at Stowe Landscape Gardens at the weekend. There are a few more, but they’ll have to wait for a bigger collage!

On top of that, I cut the lining for my purple skirt and washed and ironed some denim ready to make another skirt from it. Oh, and I rediscovered this:

Apologies for the bad photo – I took it at 7.30 this morning before I’d woken up enough not to wobble. This bag is one of those ideas that I’m not quite sure what to do with. They’re small and cute and easy to make, but do I want to sell them? Use them as giftbags at Christmas? Both?

Does that happen to anyone else? You have a really good idea for making something, finish it, then think “now what?” I’ll be adding this to my ‘To Be Finished’ pile, I think, because until I decide what to do with it, it’s still a WIP!

For everyone else’s creative spaces, head over to Kootoyoo‘s

2 thoughts on “My Creative Space – Busy doing Nothing?

  1. You seem to have a thing for purple! So do I, I love all the different shades you have used in your vast array of unfinishedness. I am preparing for a market this weekend and have set myself the task of COMPLETING one group of items one at a time. It seems to be working. Nice to meet your space today x


    1. I absolutely hadn’t noticed the purple thing until I put the collage together! Yes, I love purple, although I’ve recently been buying grey yarn and fabric, so in a few months, the picture will probably look quite different!

      I go in phases of having to complete everything (which is where I am now) and phases of needing to start lots of things. It stressed me out at first, but now I just go with the cycle – start a gazillion things, finish a gazillion things, start a gazillion things etc etc.

      Hope the market goes well! Thanks for dropping in 🙂


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